Earth - Wisdom - Technology

... that's Geo-Sophi-X

odrazka   Focus

  • Petroleum Systems Analysis
  • Basin Modeling
  • Play-based Exploration / Regional Geology
  • Rock Properties / Pore pressure

odrazka   Services

  • Consulting and Research
  • Integrative studies
  • Training
  • PSA community support


A global technical forum for Petroleum Systems Analysis with >3300 members. 


Free webinar series attracting 100-150 registrations globally for each presentation. 

PSA HelpDesk Founding Member

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David Rajmon, PhD

My only competitor is myself.

Everyone else is current or potential partner.

Both in life and business.

More information on D.R. and GeoSophix...

odrazka   References

What you have done with these webinars is nothing short of extraordinary for all of us with interest. The available literature, etc. are so dated that these webinars provide so much information of a practical nature that they are invaluable. Thank you for providing an exceptional opportunity to address and better understand some of the significant issues facing not only practitioners of PSA; but all of those engaged in hydrocarbon exploration. (2016)

Paul PostStaff Geologist at Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

David worked with us in 2015 in a basin modelling project in Gulf of Thailand. I would like to thank David for his contribution. His technical skills are outstanding and his work has significantly helped us to understand the petroleum systems in different basins in Gulf of Thailand. I would like to highlight his professionalism, dedication to the project and availability, key factors to complete a huge amount of work with a short timeline. The communication between us has been excellent, starting from the good understanding of the project and our initial targets to being open to receive suggestions and changes in the scope. I hope we will work together again. (2015)

Angela EchanoveTeam Leader Seismic Interpretation at Mubadala Petroleum

David provided technical consultancy services on basin modeling for the Mubadala Petroleum Thailand Business Unit early to mid 2015. The effort done and the quality of the work produced certainly met our standards. It greatly helped us progressing both our technical understanding and the internal review and approval process. Therefore, I thank David very much for his contribution. His technical skills are fully recognized. I also personally appreciated his availability and communication style, even under “stressful” conditions. (2015)

Paolo TogniniExploration Director at Mubadala Petroleum

Maersk Oil engaged David R in January 2013 to build, execute and deliver a complex basin model at a broad continental margin scale. David worked within a tight time frame, engaged relevant peers within the exploration team and worked diligently to utilize all available calibration data (150 wells+) for the project, to provide an appropriate range of model outcomes predicting HC charge nature, distribution and timing. On behalf of Maersk Oil, I can confidently recommend David's technical ability, service and communication style. (2013)

Kristan ReimannBrazil Exploration Manager at Maersk Oil

David is one of most creative and innovative geologists I have had the pleasure to work with. Although basin modelling was not his first scientific discipline, he picked it up quickly and was soon suggesting many improvements to the way it is done in Shell. David has the rare ability to straddle the gap between research and application, and did so successfully at Shell. (2010)

Michael NosiaraGlobal Play Advisor at Shell